Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A little about me

I'm a mother of wonderful  kids that range from 22 of age to 7 of age, You can say I was a busy mom.
I meet my Husband in school when I was 14 and a couple of yrs later I had are first son and the rest followed closed behind and there was a little (and I mean little gap) between the rest.

I was married for 22yrs and then I deiced it was time to go are ways.
 There was some meager issues in are home that ranged from being
abused by words and by his hands,my kids and I where done taken
it anymore when  one son got hurt real bad.

4 of my children stayed back home because of work and collage and friends.
They would stay also to make sure there father was OK after My other children
and I left the state to get away from him.

I so hated that part so much!!! I didn't like or want to leave them behind.
I know they will be up here a lot to visit us or If I'm lucky they will move
to Ohio where I live now.

My boys are missing there father a lot and had called him on the phone
and told him where we was living at and are address.

My Mind Went Crazy!!!!! I was so afraid of him com en here and hurting us
or demanding us to come back home with him.

He had come to Ohio in Nov.and was here for Christmas to see us all and
my other kids come along and it was a nice visit!

My visit with him was a pleasant one and he and I talked about things to clear
the air and to help heal hurt feelings and more.

He is getting help for his problems that he has and understands what happen
and what he did wrong.

My parents are living but not in good health! My other siblings are taken care of
them and they are doing a great job!!! I get calls from home all the time!!


I found a job in Ohio where I live now and I get to work from home and go
in to the office when I need things and to make the finale call on the stuff I do.

I so love working from home but there are days that I wish I didn't because the kids
are driven me nutty!

I have moved 2 times since I have been in Ohio and now I'm happy where I'm at and
it helps that I'm closer to a good friend that I have found since I came to this state.

She has taken me and my family in when we needed help and food..!!!!!!

                                                       LOVE YOU GINNY!!!!!

She has helped me get things in order on the last move, had things turned on and ready for me when we where done moving things in to my new home.

She can work fast !!! For someone I need of things....Thank You God for putting Ginny
in my life when you did!!! I would be lost with out her and all that she has done for me and my family.

Thank you for letting me try this out.......If you would like to know anything else please ask and I will
try to answer your questions.

Have a Bless Day

  Love  Nacy

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