Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My meeting with home school parents/kids

I took my daughter to a home school/church place where we live at to see how parents/kids felt about
being home school to going to public school.

This was a nice time to set and lesson to ever ones feelings on this.

My daughter ask the basic of home school rules and how they pick there studies.
How you go about taken kids/children out of school and what all you need to do
with the school board office.

They told us that we had to fill out paper work with the school board and another office of the county
and they would give the paper work to the right people to make sure you can home school.

You also don't have to hold a high school diploma or GED to home school any more.
A parent that don't have either one can take classes with there children and then take
a test to get there GED for free if they pass the test.

You can pick your material from the school for your work or you can make your own as long
as it's approved with the school program they are  teaching in the area.

Then at the end of school you take test to make sure you are staying in the right grad and if
you have moved up to another or not. You can also take as many grads in a yr you like.
As long as you get the basic of that grad and the one after.

You also have to take the state test that is given to the schools to make sure you test out and to get you score for collage prep.

Most of the children like home schooling for the most part,they say it's a challenge to make friends when you don't do sport or anything else that public school has.

So that is why some home schooling parent put together sport programs or letting  the kids/children go to public school  so they can do sports and other things that school offers.

I talked to some of the parents about why they home school and there where plenty of reason for them all.

Some have children with learning issuses and the school will not help the child out or the schools don't have to funding or staff for those needs.

Some say for bulling issuse.

Some don't like how the school handlies disaplineing children and thank that they go over board or don't care at all.

Some fill that they will be more parents that will take there kids out of school due to bulling and not any programs to help those that have learning issuse.

I for one can under stand there points and understand how schools over look things and then not
do anything to others and so one. I have seen it as a child and now that I have 8 kids my self
understand how parents can home school and feel happy about it.

I also understand that if the parent can't keep on track with home schooling how it can hurt the children later in life. Some of the parents have said that when they started it was a challenge at
first and how they them self had to get there own life in order to stick with it.

They thought as the child got older they could do things on there own and how they only need to set the plains up and the child would do it with out problems.

They said it was a let down on there kids because they couldn't take time out to set and help them learn the right way. So many of them now have a place in there home just fo schooling and
they make sure there in the room with them to make sure things get done and to talk everything over
with them to make sure they understood the leason.

Most of them are stay at home mom's that don't work from home. Some have tryed it and said it was much easyer to just be a mother and a teacher to there children then to try and be a
mom,teacher,wife,and hold down a job.

They know money is tight but they are happy with what they have choosen and if for any reason
they fill that they are falling there children then they will put then back in publice school so they
can get the right teaching and learning they need.

My heart goes out to those that can do this. It's not a easy job to teach your children at home and to make sure your doing it all right.

I will talk to my kids and see what they thank. I know they would like to home school and go to publice school so they can be with there friends and play sports and attend programs the school has.

This was a nice visit and I will be doing it again,I have meet some realy nice parents and it's open for the public to come and visit and to read books and they sale bibles and other things.

Have a Bless Day ~Nacy~

1 comment:

  1. love the input on this.I need to go with you the next time you go.
